Ormewood Church is our gathering place.
Ormewood Church is our playful place.
Ormewood Church is our spiritual place.
Ormewood Church is our outdoor place.
Since 1914, the stone building at the corner of Delaware and Woodland has anchored the geographical center of Ormewood Park, adding its zig-zag mid-century modern fellowship hall in 1950. If you wander the property you’ll see evidence of its connections with our neighbors: the half-buried Boy Scout pole peeking out of the playground lawn, scuffmarks from children climbing the ancient magnolias, and the red amaryllis blooms along the east wall that no one remembers planting.
In 2017 Ormewood Church began their stewardship of this much beloved property. We have endeavored to make a space of connection where all our neighbors can gather, play, pray, and be outdoors. As such, we’ve proudly continued the relationship between the church and our surrounding neighbors.
If you share our appreciation of Ormewood Church, please consider a contribution to help us all support our place in the heart of Ormewood Park. One-time donations are appreciated. Reoccurring gifts allow us to plan for the strategic maintenance of the property. You can give a one-time or reoccurring donation at any "donate" button. You can also find us on Venmo (@ormewoodchurch) or on Zelle (Jenelle@ormewoodchurch.org).

Ormewood Church is Our Place.

Ormewood Church Is Our Gathering Place
where we celebrate, learn, and grow together.
From the Maker’s Festival to Halloween hot dogs to voting for our nation’s leaders, we create
and experience community in the parking lot, Fellowship Hall, and Sanctuary of this central
gathering space.
Ormewood Church Is Our Playful Place
where kids giggle on the playground, pups mingle in the Dog Yard, adults toss the cornhole bean bag, and youth kick the ball around. Strollers, chalk, a cold beverage, and Tony the Cat all find a home across these 2.5 acres.

Ormewood Church Is Our Spiritual Place
where we explore faith with curiosity and spiritual hospitality.
Ormewood Church Is Our Outdoor Place
where we connect with the sun, trees, and fresh air. No "park" in Ormewood Park? No problem.

Help Us Sustain this Shared Resource
Ormewood Church receives income through rentals and through the support of our church members, but ensuring its continued presence requires more support from the community. If you share our appreciation of Ormewood Church, please consider a contribution (one-time or recurring) to help us all support “our place” in the heart of Ormewood Park.
Upcoming Community Events
Halloween Hot Dog Feast
October 31, 2024​
It's the most wonderful time of the year...in Ormewood Park. Join us in the parking lot for a feast of hot dogs and great costumes. Volunteer links will be posted the beginning of October.
Ormewood Church Book Club
Torrie Souther wrangles this crew of bookworms, both church folks and neighborhood friends. All communication can be found in the Facebook Group.
Wednesday Silence Group
Wednesdays at 3:45PM​
A group of folks rotates hosting in their homes 30 minutes of silence every Wednesday starting at 3:45PM. Of course there is some chat and connection before and after as well! All are welcome.