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Sabbath as Social Justice
Leviticus 19:1-18 Selected Verses (NRSV) The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say...

Sabbath as Community
If you’ve been gathering with us since we started worshipping regularly two weeks ago, you know we are talking about Sabbath. That...

Practicing Rest
Note #1: In this service we had a rhythm of reading scripture, having a mini-sermon, and then trying one of the practices together. We...

God Works while We Rest
So I was restless Tuesday evening. I’d been wrestling with my sermon in the back of my head while working and being with family. I had...

Our first Sunday sermon!
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to everyone in this room because we are all first-timers this morning. We are all here to explore...
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